Young people’s subjective wellbeing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a representative cohort study in England


UCL Centre for Education Policy & Equalising Opportunities

Erica Holt-White

The Sutton Trust


September 30, 2024

Other Formats

The COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption it has caused had substantial short-term effects on young people. These effects have been found to be highly unequal, exacerbating existing inequalities in society, including those associated with socio-economic status, gender and ethnicity. But, just as importantly, it is believed that they continue to cast a long shadow over some young people’s lives. In this paper we use data from the COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO) — a representative cohort study of over 13,000 young people in England aged 14-15 at pandemic onset whose education and post-16 transitions were acutely affected by the pandemic’s disruption through their remaining education and subsequent transitions — to highlight ongoing inequalities in young people’s subjective wellbeing and mental health in the wake of the pandemic. We document the substantial differences in subjective wellbeing — especially highlighting differences by gender — after adjusting for other demographic characteristics, self-reported levels of social support, and experience of adverse life events. We estimate how wellbeing differs by young people’s own perceptions of the ongoing impact of the pandemic: those who indicate an ongoing negative impact in their lives have substantially lower subjective wellbeing scores. Finally, we find a link between adverse life experiences during the pandemic and lower post-pandemic wellbeing, but do not find evidence that this is mediated by demographic characteristics or social support.


COVID-19, young people, subjective wellbeing, inequalities, adverse life events, social support

Statements and Declarations

The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the content of this article. The datasets analysed in this study are available to download from the UK Data Service (Wave 1: Anders et al., 2024a; Wave 2: Anders et al., 2024b). The study received full ethical approval from the UCL Institute of Education Research Ethics Committee (REC1660). It is registered with the UCL Data Protection Office (Z6364106/2022/06/30).


This work was supported by UK Research and Innovation via their COVID-19 response fund [grant number ES/W001756/1] and their Economic and Social Research Council [grant number ES/X00015X/1]. For Felicity.

1 Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption it caused had substantial short-term effects on young people’s lives around the world, with evidence of significant impacts on young people’s wellbeing and mental health (De France et al., 2022; Wolf & Schmitz, 2024). Young people in England, the focus of this paper, were no exception: extended periods in which in-person schooling was suspended (Anders, 2024) interrupted both pupils’ learning (Jakubowski et al., 2024) and their social lives (Kalenkoski & Pabilonia, 2024), with consequent rises in loneliness a clear symptom of this (Kung et al., 2023). This widespread disruption had widely documented short-term effects on young people’s wellbeing (e.g. Attwood & Jarrold, 2023; Banks & Xu, 2020; Neugebauer et al., 2023; Newlove-Delgado et al., 2021; Quintana-Domeque & Zeng, 2023), the magnitude of which was found to be linked with the intensity of lockdown restrictions (Owens et al., 2022), and the immediacy of which is reflected in the way that wellbeing increased and decreased as restrictions tightened and eased (Creswell et al., 2021). A review by Kauhanen et al. (2023) summarised the international picture as “a longitudinal deterioration in symptoms for different mental health outcomes especially for adolescents and young people”.

Existing analyses suggest that effects of the disruption were unequal, often exacerbating existing demographic inequalities in society. Previous studies from across the world have highlighted inequalities associated with socioeconomic status (e.g., Ravens-Sieberer et al., 2022), gender (e.g., Anders et al., 2023; Davillas & Jones, 2021), ethnicity (e.g., Proto & Quintana-Domeque, 2021), and intersections of these characteristics. There is also evidence that older adolescents were particularly affected (Wolf & Schmitz, 2024), perhaps as these are such formative years in terms of social relationships and critical years in terms of disruption to education affecting subsequent educational and school-to-work transitions.

A range of studies have also drawn attention to the importance of variation in experiences and support during the pandemic for young people’s wellbeing. Restrictions on social activities and the closure of schools reduced physical activity for some, which has been linked to worse mental health outcomes (Samji et al., 2022); other aspects of the pandemic and its restrictions are likely to have exacerbated the prevalence of adverse life events that previous studies have shown affect wellbeing (Cleland et al., 2016). On the other side of the ledger, the importance of social support has been identified has a potential buffer to negative impacts (Racine et al., 2021) of such negative stressors. These highlight the potential importance of experiences and social support during the pandemic for young people’s wellbeing and, hence, the need to consider these in understanding differences in wellbeing.

While short-term impacts are, of course, important in their own right, we should be especially concerned if the impacts of the pandemic are continuing to affect young people’s lives, including their subjective wellbeing, now that restrictions have subsided and life is back to ‘normal’. Concern was expressed from early in the pandemic that negative effects of the pandemic on wellbeing would persist beyond the end of restrictions (Sonuga-Barke & Fearon, 2021), something that emerging evidence from the general population suggests may be being borne out (Quintana-Domeque & Proto, 2022).

Informed by the findings of these studies, we seek to provide new evidence regarding ongoing differences in young people’s wellbeing post-pandemic, including those driven by their demographic characteristics, the role of adverse life experiences during the pandemic, and the potential buffering role of social support. In doing so, we are guided by sociological theoretical models of stress processes in shaping wellbeing (Pearlin, 1989), distinguishing between long-term stressors such as those linked with socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, and more acute ones such as those presented by the disruption of the pandemic and specific events during its course. We also seek to provide new evidence to illuminate the relevance of young people’s own perceptions of the ongoing impacts of the pandemic for their mental wellbeing through quantifying the extent to which young people’s self-reports of such impacts are associated with their post-pandemic subjective wellbeing.

In particular, our research aims are to: 1. estimate differences in post-pandemic wellbeing among this cohort by demographic characteristics; 2. validate and quantify young people’s own perceptions of the impact of the pandemic on their wellbeing and; 3. consider the role of adverse experiences during the pandemic — and how they may interact with existing predictors of wellbeing — in explaining differences in post-pandemic wellbeing.

To achieve these aims, we use data from the COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO) — a representative cohort study of over 13,000 young people in England aged 14-15 at pandemic onset whose education and post-16 transitions were acutely affected by the pandemic’s disruption through their remaining education and subsequent transitions — to explore young people’s subjective wellbeing since the end of most restrictions linked to the pandemic. COSMO has collected data on wellbeing at two annual, post-pandemic surveys (to date), along with rich data on demographics, social resources and experiences during the pandemic, allowing us to explore post-pandemic patterns in wellbeing and how they are shaped by these factors.

The paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2, we describe the data that we use in more detail, the steps we take to prepare it for analysis, and conduct descriptive analyses and visualisation to provide initial evidence on our research aims. In Section 3, we describe our use of regression modelling to support our analyses, before presenting results of this modelling in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, we conclude with a discussion of our findings and their implications for policy and practice.

2 Data and descriptive analyses

This study uses data from the COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO). This longitudinal cohort study recruited a representative sample of young people (and their parents) who were in Year 10 (i.e., aged 14-15) at the onset of the pandemic in March 2020. We use data from those who participated at both waves 1 (Anders et al., 2024a), which was carried out between October 2021 and March 2022 (while participants were aged 16-17), and 2 (Anders et al., 2024b), which was carried out between October 2022 and March 2023 (while participants were aged 17-18). In both cases the majority of interviews are carried out within the first two months of fieldwork; we also control for month of interview in our regression models (further details below).

COSMO has a clustered and stratified design with oversampling of those from smaller (e.g., ethnic minorities), more disadvantaged and harder to reach demographic groups, aiming to allow for larger than proportional samples of those smaller groups to improve statistical power when exploring inequalities between such groups. Furthermore, there was initial non-response and attrition between the two waves. As such, it is important to take into account the deliberate and modelled disproportionalities in our sample, as well as the implications of the clustering and stratification for statistical inference; we seek to take these features into account in all our analyses using R’s survey package (Lumley et al., 2024) with the study’s provided clustering and stratification variables, and design and non-response weights (Adali et al., 2022, 2023).

To ensure a consistent sample across analyses, we restrict the sample to those who have valid data on the key variables we will be using in our analyses. This includes the primary outcome variable of self-reported wellbeing score, as well as the key predictors and demographic variables of which we make use. However, we are mindful of the potential implications of sample selection caused by complete case analysis, so we robustness check our results to ensure that our findings are not driven by the exclusion of those with missing data in Section 7, re-running our core analyses having only restricted the sample based on the primary outcome (wellbeing score) and the main predictors (impact of pandemic on mental health and adverse life events reporting) and multiply imputed across 10 datasets all other predictors using a highly flexible classification and regression tree approach (Lumley, 2019; van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2023).

2.1 Subjective wellbeing

To measure self-reported wellbeing, we use the UK Office for National Statistics’ official measure of life satisfaction (Office for National Statistics, 2018), which is widely recognised as an important dimension of subjective wellbeing (Petersen et al., 2022). This asks participants to respond to the prompt “Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?” on a scale ranging from 0 “Not at all satisfied” to 10 “Completely satisfied”. This measure has been used in national UK surveys since 2011 and increasing numbers of academic studies, hence providing a useful benchmark for this concept in surveys based in the UK. There is also evidence that this measure is reliable measure of subjective wellbeing in young people (Levin & Currie, 2014), performing as well as the more in-depth Satisfaction with Life Scale (Jovanović, 2016), for example, although we do recognise that it will not capture all dimension of wellbeing (Ruggeri et al., 2020). It is also worth noting that, while they are distinct constructs, a clear correlation between lower wellbeing and increased risk of poor mental health (Lombardo et al., 2018).

As COSMO was established in response to the pandemic, there are no baseline pre-pandemic measures. As such, we emphasise that our estimates of differences in subjective wellbeing are between individuals all of whom have experienced the pandemic, but may have experienced it in different ways, rather than between their current situation and a counterfactual in which the pandemic did not happen. Others have used pre-existing longitudinal studies to explore change in mental health across the pandemic period (Henseke, mimeo), or attempted to get closer to such a counterfactual using a survey experiment approach explicitly asking participants to imagine the scenario where the pandemic had not happened (Andreoli et al., 2024).

We have measures of wellbeing at two waves post-pandemic and use these to explore evidence of change in wellbeing between the two waves both overall, and between sub-groups of the data where this might be expected. We plot the overall distribution of reported wellbeing in both Waves 1 (age 16/17) and 2 (age 17/18) in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Histogram of distribution of subjective wellbeing in Wave 1 and 2

Notes: Histogram weighted for survey design and non-response.

Young people report a mean wellbeing score of 6.41 in Wave 1 and 6.43 at Wave 2, with the spread of the measure declining slightly from 2.05 to 1.97, but these are not a particularly substantial change. This provides little evidence of change between these two post-pandemic time points. However, in attempting to interpreting this (lack of) aggregate change, we must be mindful of wider context for this cohort.

One interpretation would be that, as we know there was a decline in mental health and wellbeing among young people at the onset of the pandemic and its restrictions (Newlove-Delgado et al., 2021), we would hope to see an upward trajectory in wellbeing in subsequent years to be confident of a ‘bounce back’, with this lack of change suggesting a plateau at a lower level than was the case before the pandemic. That could be the case. A finding of minimal change is consistent with the findings of Henseke et al. (2022) (albeit for a wider age range of young people aged 16-29). Similarly, the UK Office For National Statistics’ annual population survey also suggests that life satisfaction has not returned to pre-pandemic levels in the general population (Office for National Statistics, 2023).

Fundamentally, using our data alone we are unable to adjudicate between multiple potential plausible scenarios. Others, using a wider range of datasets are better placed to do so. For example, Henseke (mimeo) suggest that young people’s wellbeing may have already returned to pre-pandemic levels, thus explaining a lack of trend for this reason. These findings would also be consistent with an upward post-pandemic trend being cancelled out by a countervailing age effect (for example) that would be expected based on the wider literature on wellbeing across the life course (Blanchflower, 2021).

However, this is not the focus of our paper. This aggregate stability at the cohort level does not mean that there are not individual-level differences or differential change in reported wellbeing. The correlation between the reported measures in Waves 1 and 2 is 0.54. While some of this likely reflects the natural fluctuation in young people’s wellbeing due to idiosyncratic shocks that hit their lives every day, we now go on to explore evidence of systematic difference in change between the two waves, along with the differences in levels at each wave.

2.2 Demographic characteristics and social support

As discussed at the outset of this paper, previous work has found that the impact of the pandemic on young people’s wellbeing differs depending upon their demographic characteristics (e.g., Anders et al., 2023). Both to estimate differences between young people based on these characteristics, and to control for these measures in other analyses, we make use of the rich set of demographic measures collected in COSMO. Specifically, we construct the following measures of demographic characteristics.

  • Gender: There are longstanding concerns about differences in wellbeing by gender, which have only been exacerbated by the pandemic (Davillas & Jones, 2021). We construct a variable for this characterised based on young people’s reports at either wave (where a subsequent report is given precedence if they differ), young people are grouped into ‘female’, ‘male’ and ‘non-binary+’, where the final category is a combination of those who explicitly report being non-binary or choose to identify in any other way (since these other groups are too small for analysis).
  • Ethnicity: There is evidence of a greater initial effect on young people’s mental health if they are part of an ethnic minority (Proto & Quintana-Domeque, 2021). As with gender, our measure is based on self-reports at either wave (where a subsequent report is given precedence if they differ), young people are grouped into ‘White’, ‘Mixed’, ‘Black’, ‘Asian’ and ‘Other’. While these categories are broad, they are chosen for consistency with the UK’s major ethnic group classifications while avoiding groups that are too small for analysis purposes.
  • Parental education: Generally viewed as a core component of socioeconomic status, which may affect wellbeing through long-term stress processes (Pearlin, 1989), we construct a measure of parental education based on the highest level of education reported by either parent at either wave (where a subsequent report is given precedence if they differ), grouping parents into ‘Graduate’, ‘Below Graduate’ and ‘No Quals’.
  • Housing tenure: Housing tenure is another component of a family’s socioeconomic status, hence with potential implications for young people’s wellbeing. We construct a measure of housing tenure based on young people’s reports at either wave (where a subsequent report is given precedence if they differ), grouping families into those who own their home (either with a mortgage or outright; ‘Own House’) and all others (which predominantly include social and private renting; ‘Other’).
  • Area deprivation: We also include an area-based measure of deprivation of participants’ home address, both as a correlate of socioeconomic stats due to residential sorting and given more direct implications this can have for potentially wellbeing-enhancing amenities. COSMO provides decile groups of the UK’s Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI), which is constructed at the ‘lower-layer super-output area’ (the smallest geographical areas in UK statistical geography, containing an average population of 1,500).

To allow exploration of differences in wellbeing by socioeconomic status (SES) in a simple way, we create a combined index of SES across our measures of parental education, housing tenure and home neighbourhood deprivation. Specifically, given the categorical nature of these variables, we estimate a polychoric correlation matrix of these measures and use principal component analysis (Revelle, 2024) to extract a single component that explains maximum shared variance. Our extracted principal component score explains 65% of the overall variance of our SES measures. We standardise the measure’s distribution to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 in our analysis sample, plot its distribution in Figure 2, and use it to split our sample into five quintile groups of equal size (accounting for sample weighting).

Figure 2: Distribution of SES summary measure, colour-coded by quintile group

Notes: SES measure based on polychoric principal component analysis of parental education, housing tenure and IDACI decile group. Density plot weighted for survey design and non-response.

We demonstrate that this measure captures the underlying SES measures on which it is based in Table 1 by reporting the average levels of parental education, housing tenure and IDACI quintile group across the five quintile groups of the constructed SES measure.

Table 1: Distribution of underlying socioeconomic characteristics by SES quintile group (SES quintile group based on polychoric principal component analysis of parental education, housing tenure and IDACI decile group)
Characteristic 1 (Low SES)
N = 1,602
N = 1,598
N = 1,608
N = 1,665
5 (High SES)
N = 1,519
Parental Education

    Graduate 16 41 63 69 89
    Below Graduate 54 52 33 30 11
    No Quals 27 6.3 3.3 1.4 0
    Unknown 3.1 0.8 0.2 0 0
Housing Tenure

    Own House 10 49 75 90 100
    Other 90 51 25 9.5 0
    Unknown 0 0 0 0 0
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation) 76 31 1.8 0 0
    2 23 43 29 <0.1 0
    3 1.1 23 47 22 0
    4 <0.1 3.6 18 60 17
    5 (Low Deprivation) 0 0.2 3.3 19 83
Notes: Reporting column percentages within each variable. All estimates are weighted for survey design and non-response.

Various reviews of the impact of the pandemic have highlighted that one’s ability to draw on support around you appears important in helping to buffer shocks to wellbeing (Aksoy et al., 2024), using these as resources on which young people are able to draw in the face of adversity. To capture this factor, we use the social provisions scale (Cutrona & Russell, 2018), specifically a shortened three-item variant available in COSMO in which young people are asked to respond (using the categories “Not true”, “Partly true” or “Very true”) to the statements:

  1. I have family and friends who help me feel safe, secure and happy
  2. There is someone I trust whom I would turn to for advice if I were having problems
  3. There is no one I feel close to [Negatively coded]
Figure 3: Distribution of social provisions scale

Notes: Distribution of social provisions scale. The scale is standardised to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 in the analysis sample. Weighted for survey design and non-response.

Following standard practice, we sum over the values of the three items and then standardise the resulting variable to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one for the purposes of interpretation. We plot the distribution of the social provisions scale in Figure 3. There is some evidence of a ceiling effect — the majority of respondents scoring the maximum value of 6 on the scale — but with a decent spread below this. We will use this measure as a continuous variable in our analyses.

Now that we have constructed this set of measures about young people, we report the prevalence of demographics in our cohort along with mean levels of self-reported wellbeing by these categories at Wave 1, Wave 2, and mean difference between the two in Table 2.

Table 2: Mean subjective wellbeing score by demographic characteristics
Characteristic N Prevalence (%) Wave 1 Wave 2 Difference

6.41 6.43 0.017
    1 7723


    Male 3475 50 6.76 6.76 0.007
    Female 4030 48 6.13 6.15 0.021
    Non-Binary+ 218 2.6 4.90 5.04 0.136

    White 4877 77 6.43 6.44 0.014
    Mixed 477 5.7 6.09 6.09 -0.008
    Black 1503 10 6.51 6.48 -0.030
    Asian 684 5.0 6.34 6.43 0.094
    Other 182 2.2 6.44 6.64 0.201
Parental Education

    Graduate 3807 55 6.48 6.45 -0.024
    Below Graduate 2962 36 6.35 6.37 0.024
    No Quals 871 7.6 6.25 6.54 0.286
    Unknown 83 0.8 6.42 6.37 -0.049
Housing Tenure

    Own House 4224 65 6.50 6.54 0.037
    Other 3499 35 6.24 6.22 -0.020
    Unknown 0 0

IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation) 2306 22 6.24 6.23 -0.007
    2 1678 19 6.39 6.42 0.032
    3 1351 19 6.34 6.46 0.118
    4 1231 20 6.54 6.56 0.023
    5 (Low Deprivation) 1157 20 6.56 6.49 -0.072
SES Quintile Groups

    1 (Low SES) 2257 20 6.26 6.26 0.005
    2 1770 20 6.28 6.37 0.088
    3 1405 20 6.42 6.40 -0.019
    4 1266 21 6.53 6.53 0.006
    5 (High SES) 1025 19 6.58 6.58 0.002
Notes: Reporting means where otherwise specified. All estimates are weighted and account for the complex survey design. The difference is calculated as Wave 2 - Wave 1.

50% of the sample are male, 48% are female and 2.6% are non-binary or report in another way. Average reported wellbeing differs substantially between these groups with boys (6.76 in Wave 1) reporting higher levels of wellbeing than girls (6.13). This is consistent with existing work on inequalities in young people’s wellbeing, both before the pandemic and as a result of its impact. Non-binary+ young people report lower levels of wellbeing still than girls, although there is evidence of an increase for this group between Waves 1 and 2; we should be mindful, however, of the smaller sample size for this group.

In terms of ethnicity, the highest levels of reported wellbeing are for Black young people (6.51 in Wave 1), followed by White young people (6.43), with the lowest being among young people who reported a Mixed ethnicity. These differences are small and, other than the small group of young people placed into the Other category, there is little evidence of change over time.

There is a broadly consistent gradient in wellbeing across our quintile groups of socioeconomic status, from 6.26 to 6.58 (both for Wave 1 but with a similar picture in Wave 2). Again, these appear to be rather small differences and there is no evidence of consistent change between the two waves.

Overall, this initial analysis highlights gender as the most important demographic difference in wellbeing for this sample of young people in England. However, we will return to explore these differences in more detail, including their potential interplay, in later sections.

2.3 Perceived ongoing impact

Next, we seek to quantify differences in young people’s wellbeing by their own perceptions of the ongoing impact of the pandemic. This takes seriously young people’s own perceptions of the ongoing impact of the pandemic on their wellbeing. To capture these perceptions, we use a question asked to young people at the second wave of COSMO. Specifically, young people are asked “Would you say the pandemic is still having an effect on [your mental wellbeing], whether positive or negative?” If they agree with this question then they are subsequently asked to distinguish whether this impact is positive, negative or they don’t know.

Table 3: Mean subjective wellbeing score by whether and how the pandemic continues to affect mental wellbeing
Variable, N = 7723 No (64%)1 Negative (32%)1 Don’t know (2%)1 Positive (2%)1 Overall (100%)1 p-value2
Wave 1 6.81 5.62 6.37 6.40 6.41 <0.001
Wave 2 6.91 5.46 6.29 6.48 6.43 <0.001
Difference 0.11 -0.16 -0.08 0.08 0.02 <0.001
Notes: All estimates are weighted and account for the complex survey design. The difference is calculated as Wave 2 - Wave 1.
1 Mean
2 Design-based KruskalWallis test

Table 3 shows that 64% of young people report that the pandemic is continuing to have an impact on their mental wellbeing, with 32% of these reporting that this impact is negative. Perhaps unsurprisingly, much smaller proportion of young people report that the ongoing impact is positive (2%) or that they don’t know if the impact is positive or negative (2%).

Those who report no impact of the pandemic on their mental wellbeing have the highest self-reported wellbeing (6.37 in Wave 1; 6.29 in Wave 2), while those who report that it had a negative impact on their mental wellbeing report the lowest (5.62 in Wave 1; 5.46 in Wave 2). Those who say it is still having an impact but that it is positive, or that they don’t know if it is positive or negative, report somewhere between the other two groups but, as noted above, these are a very small proportion of the sample.

These groups are also distinguished by the change in their reported wellbeing between Waves 1 and 2. Those who report that the pandemic is continuing to have a negative impact on their mental wellbeing do, indeed, report a decline in wellbeing (-0.16) between the two waves, while those who report that it has had no impact (-0.08) or that it is having a positive impact report an increase (0.08). Those who report that it is still having an impact but that they don’t know if it is positive or negative report a slight decline (0.11).

These last two groups are small, so these estimates should be treated with caution, and in subsequent analyses we decide to combine these two groups with the group who report no impact. This allows for an overall comparison of those who report an ongoing negative impact with the rest of the sample in our later regression analyses seeking to understand the interplay of these perceptions further.

2.4 Adverse life events

Finally, we are interested in understanding whether subjective wellbeing is affected by adverse life events that happened during the COVID pandemic. In Wave 1, COSMO asked participants whether they had experienced each of the following life events since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020:

  1. A parent/guardian or carer lost their job or business
  2. My family could not afford to buy enough food, or had to use a food bank
  3. My family could not afford to pay their bills/rent/mortgage
  4. I was seriously ill in hospital
  5. A close family member or friend is or was seriously ill in hospital
  6. A close family member or friend died
  7. Increase in number of arguments with parents/guardians
  8. Increase in number of arguments between parents/guardians
  9. Moving to a new home
  10. Parents/guardians separated or divorced

The question is worded to capture events whether or not they are directly attributable to the pandemic, its restrictions and disruptions, but it is reasonable to believe many were caused or exacerbated by the circumstances of the pandemic. Participants were then asked again whether they had experienced these events over the past twelve months (i.e., for most participants a year since they responded to the Wave 1 survey) in Wave 2.

29% of pupils experience no events at all, while 26% experience three or more events. We report the proportion of young people experiencing each of the ten specific adverse life events in the first column of Table 4.

We initially anticipated using the simple count of number of adverse events experienced in analyses. However, the substantial differences in prevalence of the events means this would be inappropriately imposing the same importance, or severity, of all the events. Instead, we want to allow these to differ, such that lower probability/higher impact events are given more weight in our analysis. We therefore create a composite index of adverse life events using a polychoric principal component analysis (PCA) of the ten measured adverse life events.

Figure 4: Distribution of Adverse Events Index, colour-coded by tertile group

Notes: Adverse events index based on polychoric principal component analysis of measured adverse life events. The index is standardised to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 in the analysis sample. Weighted for survey design and non-response.

The first principal component explains 32% of the variance in the ten adverse life events. We standardise this index to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 in our analysis sample, plot the distribution in Figure 4, and use it to split it into three groups based on the tertiles of the index (accounting for sample weighting). We label these groups as “Low”, “Medium” and “High” to reflect the relative impact of adverse events experienced by each of these groups.

Table 4: Adverse life events experiences by Adverse Events Index group
Variable, N = 7723 Low (36%)1 Medium (30%)1 High (33%)1 Overall (100%)1
Parent lost job 0 13 23 12
Couldn't afford food 0 2.8 23 8.4
Couldn't afford bills 0 4.6 28 11
Seriously ill 0 2.6 7.0 3.1
Close family member seriously ill 0 45 54 32
Close family member died 19 28 51 33
More arguments with parents 0 28 72 32
More arguments between parents 0 7.8 60 22
Moved home 0 6.6 16 7.3
Parents separated 0 1.5 10 3.8
Number of events (grouped)

    0 81 0 0 29
    1 19 60 0 25
    2 0 40 23 20
    3+ 0 0 77 26
Number of events (mean) 0.19 1.40 3.44 1.64
Notes: All estimates are weighted and account for the complex survey design.
1 %; Mean

We report the prevalence of each of the ten adverse life events by the three groups of the index in Table 4. This demonstrates that these groups are capturing different levels of exposure to adverse life events, while reflecting the differential prevalence of the ten events. Students in the “Low” group are likely not to have experienced any of the events, with the exception of a close family member dying. In contrast, students in the “High” group have a good chance of having experienced multiple events.

Table 5: Mean subjective wellbeing score by experience of adverse life events reported since onset of pandemic
Variable, N = 7723 Low (36%)1 Medium (30%)1 High (33%)1 Overall (100%)1 p-value2
Wave 1 7.04 6.46 5.67 6.41 <0.001
Wave 2 7.02 6.47 5.75 6.43 <0.001
Difference -0.03 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.2
Notes: All estimates are weighted and account for the complex survey design.
1 Mean
2 Design-based KruskalWallis test

We find that mean wellbeing score differs by experience of such events (Table 5). Wellbeing is lower for those who experience a higher prevalence of adverse life events, ranging from 5.67 for those with low experience of adverse life events to 6.46 for those with a high level of experience of these. This pattern is consistent across Waves 1 and 2, but there is no significant evidence of difference in the patterns of change over time.

However, as with all our descriptive analyses, we are mindful that there is the potential for a lot of differences in socioeconomic and demographic characteristics between those who experience adverse life events and those who do not. For this reason, as well as for our other analyses, we use regression models to help us unpack these findings further.

3 Regression analysis

To extend our descriptive analyses and, hence, provide a more nuanced understanding of the factors associated with young people’s wellbeing since the pandemic, we use regression models. All analyses are carried out using the statistical software R (R Core Team, 2024), with the survey package (Lumley et al., 2024) used to account for the complex survey design of the data, including design and non-response weights, along with adjustments to statistical inference due to stratification and clustering of the sample.

We break this section into three sub-sections, aligned with the research aims in this paper for which we will use regression modelling to support our analysis: demographic differences in subjective wellbeing; the importance of perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic; and the importance of adverse life events during the pandemic.

3.1 Demographic differences in subjective wellbeing

First, we use linear regression models to explore differences in young people’s wellbeing. These models all take the form

\(LifeSat_{it} = \beta_0 + \beta'_{1} SES_{i} + \beta'_{2} Gender_{i} + \beta'_{3} Ethnicity_{i} + X'_{i} + \varepsilon_{it}\)

where \(LifeSat\) is the wellbeing score for person \(i\) at time \(t\), \(SES\) is a vector of binary variables for the quintile groups of SES (leaving the highest SES quintile group as the omitted category), \(Gender\) is a vector of binary variables for gender variables (Female and Non-binary+, leaving Male as the omitted category), \(Ethnicity\) is a vector of binary variables for ethnicity (White, Asian, Black, Mixed, Other, leaving the omitted category as Mixed), \(X\) is a vector of other covariates, which varies between model specifications (discussed further below), and \(\varepsilon\) is the error term. We estimate these models separately for each time point of the survey, and then again for Wave 2 with an additional covariate of Wave 1 wellbeing score to provide estimates of difference adjusting for Wave 1 wellbeing as a baseline.

We begin with simple models including gender (L1), ethnicity (L2), and SES (L3) entered separately, replicating the descriptive analyses and unconditional estimates of differences in wellbeing reported in Table 2. Next, we include all three demographic characteristics at the same time in L4, along with the addition of a month of interview variable to allow for potential confounding due to the timing of the survey. This model, hence, provides estimates of demographic differences in wellbeing, conditional on the other demographic characteristics included.

We then explore evidence of intersectional differences in wellbeing between our core demographics in L5 (Codiroli Mcmaster & Cook, 2019) by including a full set of interaction terms between our SES, gender and ethnicity variables.

Next, motivated by understanding the potential importance of social resources in explaining these differences, we add social provisions score in L6. Differences between the coefficients on our demographic characteristics between L4 and L6 will, hence, provide information on the extent to which differences in these resources may explain the unadjusted differences.

L7 explores whether the importance of social resources varies by demographic characteristics. As with L5, we include interaction terms, this time between our demographic characteristics and the two social resources measures to allow for the moderation of the relationship between these measures and wellbeing.

Finally, L8 explores the importance of adverse life events in explaining demographic differences in wellbeing. We include the adverse life events index in this model, along with the demographic characteristics and social resources measures. Comparing coefficients on the demographic characteristics in L6 and L8 will, hence, provide information on the extent to which differences in adverse life events may explain demographic differences in wellbeing. We do not run a model exploring the interaction between adverse life events and demographic characteristics at this point as we will explore this in a subsequent section.

3.2 Importance of perceived impact of the pandemic on wellbeing

In this section, we again use linear regression models to estimate differences in subjective wellbeing. However, this time we focus on differences explained by young people’s perceptions of the ongoing impact of the pandemic on their life, allowing us to validate and quantify these reports. The models used for this purpose all take the form:

\(LifeSat_{it} = \beta_0 + \beta'_{1} PandemicImpactPercep_{i} + X'_{i} + \varepsilon_{it}\)

where \(LifeSat\) is the wellbeing score for person \(i\) at time \(t\), \(PandemicImpactPercep\) is a binary variable indicating that person \(i\) reports that the pandemic is continuing to have a negative impact on their life, \(X\) is a vector of other covariates, which varies between model specifications (discussed further below), and \(\varepsilon\) is the error term. We estimate these models separately for each time point of the survey, and then again for Wave 2 with an additional covariate of Wave 1 wellbeing to provide estimates of difference adjusting for Wave 1 wellbeing as a baseline.

Our first model (P1) again replicates our descriptive findings by including no additional covariates, meaning the coefficient on \(PandemicImpactPercep\) reports the difference between those who report that the pandemic had a negative impact on their mental wellbeing and the rest of the cohort (no longer disaggregating the ‘don’t know’ and ‘positive’ groups).

Next, in P2, we include demographic (gender, ethnicity) and socioeconomic status (parental education, housing tenure, and area-level deprivation) covariates. We do this, rather than including combined SES quintile groups, now that we are not trying to interpret an overall SES association but rather adjust for these as flexibly as possible. We also include month of survey at this point. Our focal coefficient from this model thus estimates the difference in wellbeing associated with a continuing negative perception of the pandemic on wellbeing among those with similar socio-demographic characteristics.

We then explore the extent to which differences in wellbeing associated with a negative perceived impact of the pandemic are explained by the social resources available to young people. In P3, we add social provisions score and compare the estimate on our focal variable coefficient between models P2 and P3.

Finally, in P4, we explore evidence of variation in the difference in wellbeing associated with a negative perceived impact of the pandemic by demographic and social support measures. We do this by including a full set of interaction terms between our focal variable and the socio-demographic and social support variables in P3. Examining the coefficients on these interaction terms will provide evidence on this point.

3.3 Importance of adverse life events during the pandemic

For the paper’s final research aim, we explore the importance of adverse life events during the pandemic in explaining young people’s wellbeing post-pandemic.

To do so, we use linear regression models to explore the extent to which differences in self-reported wellbeing depends on the adverse life experiences they faced, including conditional on their perception of the impact of the pandemic on their wellbeing. The models used for this purpose all take the form:

\(LifeSat_{it} = \beta_0 + \beta'_{1} TAdverseEventIndex_{i} + X'_{i} + \varepsilon_{it}\)

where \(LifeSat\) is the wellbeing score for person \(i\) at time \(t\), \(TAdverseEventIndex\) is a vector of binary variables indicating person \(i\)’s location in the distribution of the adverse life event index (high and medium, leaving low as a baseline), \(X\) is a vector of other covariates, which varies between model specifications (discussed further below), and \(\varepsilon\) is the error term. We estimate these models separately for each time point of the survey, and then again for Wave 2 with an additional covariate of Wave 1 wellbeing to provide estimates of difference adjusting for Wave 1 wellbeing as a baseline. Where we are modelling wellbeing measured at Wave 1, a variant of our events index is used that is based on Wave 1 event reports only.

Our first model (E1) again replicates our descriptive findings by including only the tercile groups of the adverse life events index, meaning the coefficients on each level of \(TAdverseEventIndex\) report the difference between those who experience medium and high levels of adverse events, as applicable, compared to the low adverse life events group. In preliminary work to inform our approach, we explored alternative ways of including information on adverse life events in our modelling, including using the index as a continuous variable and including a set of binary variables for the individual adverse life events, as listed in Section 2. We found that including tercile groups provided the most interpretable results without substantively affecting the model fit.

Next, in E2, we add in demographic characteristics (gender, ethnicity) and socioeconomic status indicators (parental education, housing tenure, and area-level deprivation). We also include month of survey at this point. Our coefficient estimates associated with adverse life events from this model thus provides an estimate of difference in wellbeing associated with greater experiences of adverse life events during the pandemic among those with similar socio-demographic characteristics, as well as the extent to which differential distribution of such life events across socio-demographic groups explains differences in reported wellbeing.

We then explore the extent to which differences in wellbeing associated with greater experience of adverse life events during the pandemic are explained by the social resources available to young people. In E3, we add covariates for our social provisions scale scores and compare the estimate on our focal variable between models E2 and E3. It may be noted that this is very similar to model L6 from the earlier section but here adverse life events are our focus and, hence, are entered using the tercile groups to aide interpretation.

Next, we include the covariate for perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic that was the focal variable of the previous section. As we hypothesise that at least some of the formation of ongoing perceptions of negative impact from the pandemic, this model (E4) is likely not a reliable guide to the association between adverse events and wellbeing since including the perception variable is over-controlling. However, the model is useful as a point of comparison with P3 in demonstrating the extent to which the difference in wellbeing associated with a negative perception of the ongoing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing is explained by having experienced adverse life events.

Finally, analogously to previous sections, we include interactions of our focal variables (experience of adverse life events) with our socio-demographic and social support measures in model E5. This allows us to see if there is evidence of variation in the importance of having experienced adverse life events for post-pandemic wellbeing between different groups of young people.

4 Results

In this section, we discuss the results of the regression models outlined in the previous section. We begin by exploring demographic differences in wellbeing Section 4.1, before moving on to the importance of perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic Section 4.2 and the importance of adverse life events during the pandemic Section 4.3. We primarily report our results graphically (Larmarange, 2024), focussing attention on the estimates pertinent to addressing our research aims and allowing for easy comparison across models, supplemented with illustration of interactions between characteristics (Arel-Bundock et al., Forthcoming), where relevant. We also provide full regression tables of the results for each model, which are included in Section 6 for reference.

4.1 Demographic differences in subjective wellbeing

First, we explore overall differences in wellbeing, through a series of models summarised (for ease of reference) in Table 6. The core results are plotted in Figure 5 for gender, Figure 6 for ethnicity, and Figure 7 for SES. In each case, results are presented for Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1, with the discussion starting out with Wave 1 in each case, before focussing on any notable differences in the pattern for Wave 2, or Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1. Full tables of results for these models are reported in Section 6, specifically Table 9 for Wave 1, Table 10 for Wave 2, and Table 11 for Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1.

Table 6: Model specifications for regression analysis of subjective wellbeing.
Variable L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
Gender Included Included Interacted w/ Ethnicity and SES Included Interacted w/ Social Support Included
Ethnicity Included Included Interacted w/ Gender and SES Included Interacted w/ Social Support Included
SES Included Included Interacted w/ Gender and Ethnicity Included Interacted w/ Social Support Included
Social Support Included Interacted w/ Gender, Ethnicity and SES Included
Adverse Events Included

Notes: L1-L7 refer to the model number. SES = Socioeconomic status.

Figure 5: Differences in wellbeing by gender
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1

Notes: Reporting coefficients from underlying regression models reported in Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11.

Beginning with gender (Figure 5), we replicate the descriptive findings (Table 2) in model L1 (except for the inclusion of controls for month of interview), finding that girls’ wellbeing is 0.63 points lower than for boys, and a larger reduction for those grouped as non-binary+ where the reduction is 1.9 points compared to boys. There is essentially no change when we adjust for ethnicity and SES in model L4, with the differences remaining 0.63 points for girls and 1.9 points for non-binary+ young people.

However, some of the difference in levels of wellbeing for non-binary+ young people appears to be explained by variation in social support. When we include the social provisions scale in model L6, the difference in wellbeing reduces to 1.4 points for those identifying as non-binary+ compared to boys. This makes a similar difference for non-binary+ young people’s wellbeing at Wave 2, but no difference for girls at any wave, nor for non-binary+ youth when considering Wave 2 wellbeing after adjusting for their wellbeing at Wave 1.

A small part of the remaining difference in wellbeing appears to be explained by experiences of adverse life events, reducing to 1.2 for non-binary+ young people and to 0.5 for girls, although the difference between models L6 and L8 is not statistically significant for the non-binary+ group, nor quite statistically significant at the 5% level for girls.

Figure 6: Differences in wellbeing by ethnicity
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1

Notes: Reporting coefficients from underlying regression models reported in Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11.

Across Waves 1 and 2 (panels 1 and 2 of Figure 6), the only significant unconditional differences in young people’s wellbeing are between those classified as White and those classified as of Mixed ethnicity. No difference emerges when other demographic characteristics are included in model L4. However, these lower levels among those with Mixed ethnicity are explained by differences in social support, while, conversely, including this covariate reveals a significant difference in wellbeing between those classified as White and those classified as Black and Asian in model L6. This latter finding implies that if Black and Asian young people reported the same scores on the social provisions scale as White young people, their wellbeing scores would be higher. This difference is only present at Wave 2 for those with an Asian ethnicity, and is not present for any group when we are looking at Wave 2 wellbeing having adjusting for wellbeing at Wave 1.

The differences that emerged for Black and Asian young people in model L6 appear slightly attenuated by differences in adverse life events (0.16 for Black young people and 0.18 for Asian young people), but not by much and the estimates in L6 and L8 are not statistically significant from one another.

Figure 7: Differences in wellbeing by SES
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1

Notes: Reporting coefficients from underlying regression models reported in Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11.

There is evidence of a gradient in wellbeing by SES, with a roughly linear pattern across SES quintile groups at both Waves 1 and 2. However, the differences are only significant in the unconditional model (L3) once we reach the top two quintile groups, compared to the bottom. The overall difference between the top and bottom quintile groups is 0.3 points at Wave 1 and a bit larger (0.33 points) at Wave 2.

There is essentially no difference when gender and ethnicity are included in model L4, but some of the SES gradient is attenuated by differences in social support when these are included in model L6. For Wave 1, the difference between the bottom and the second-highest quintile groups becomes statistically insignificant, although this is not the case for differences at Wave 2, given their slightly larger overall magnitude. The conditional difference between the top and bottom quintile groups is 0.21 points at Wave 1 and, again, a bit larger (0.24 points) at Wave 2.

Ultimately, even these differences between the top and bottom SES quintile groups are attenuated to statistical insignificance when we adjust for experiences of adverse life events in model L8 (although we should note that the differences in coefficients between models L6 and L8 are not themselves statistically significant). This is the case for both Waves 1 and 2, and for Wave 2 after adjusting for Wave 1 wellbeing. It would seem that, between them, we can account for much of the socioeconomic variation in wellbeing with social support and experiences of adverse life events — although it is important to note that this is not the same as saying that socioeconomic inequalities in wellbeing are unimportant, especially as socioeconomic status is likely to affect levels of social support and adverse life events.

We explore the potential for intersectional differences between the demographic characteristics using model L5, but find little evidence of any clear or consistent patterns of this type. Similarly, we allow for moderation of the importance of social support by demographic characteristics in model L7, but find little evidence of this either. Full tables of results for these models are reported the final two columns of Table 9 (Wave 1), Table 10 (Wave 2) and Table 11 (Wave 2 adjusting for Wave 1) in Section 6.

4.2 Perceived continuing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing

Next, we discuss differences in wellbeing by perceived continuing impact of the pandemic. Again, we summarise the models used to explore this issue in Table 7. The core results are plotted in Figure 8. Full tables of results for these models are reported in Section 6, Table 12 (Wave 1), Table 13 (Wave 2) and Table 14 (Wave 2 adjusting for Wave 1).

Table 7: Model specifications for regression analysis of subjective wellbeing.
Variable P1 P2 P3 P4
Perceived Impact Included Included Included Interacted with Demographics, SES and Social Support
Demographics Included Included Interacted with Perceived Impact
SES Included Included Interacted with Perceived Impact
Social Support Included Interacted with Perceived Impact

Notes: P1-P4 refer to the model number. SES = Socioeconomic status.

Figure 8: Differences in wellbeing by perceived continuing impact of pandemic on wellbeing

Notes: Reporting coefficients from underlying regression models reported in Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14.

Results from unconditional model P1 indicate that young people who perceive a negative continuing impact of the pandemic on their wellbeing report 1.1 points lower wellbeing score than those who do not perceive such an impact. Perhaps surprisingly, given the greater time that has elapsed since the pandemic, this difference is larger at Wave 2, with a 1.4 point difference between these two groups. However, we should recall that the report of a negative continuing impact of the pandemic is collected at Wave 2, so may reflect this being more contemporary with the report.

A fairly small part of the difference in wellbeing score is explained by inclusion of demographic characteristics (in P2) and social support (in P3). The differences are reduced to 0.85 points and 1.2 points at Wave 1 and Wave 2, respectively, once all of these covariates have been included. This highlights a significant unexplained component of wellbeing unexplained by young people’s observable characteristics and social support — although we will return to whether more of this difference can be explained by adverse life events during the pandemic in the next section.

The unconditional difference in wellbeing by perceived continuing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing at Wave 2 is lower in models where we have adjusted for Wave 1 wellbeing (0.85 points). However, demographic and social support controls make essentially no difference for this outcome, with the difference remaining 0.81 points once these have been included, with a very similar magnitude to that seen in the fully adjusted model for Wave 1.

Figure 9: Predicted wellbeing by perceived ongoing impact of pandemic on wellbeing and gender
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1

Notes: Predictions derived from underlying regression models reported in Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14.

Figure 10: Predicted wellbeing by perceived ongoing impact of pandemic on wellbeing and Social Provisions Scale Total Score
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1

Notes: Predictions derived from underlying regression models reported in Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14.

We also explore whether the difference associated with this perception is moderated by key demographic characteristics, particularly focussing on gender and social provisions. The results for gender are plotted in Figure 9 and suggest that the differences in wellbeing by perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing are larger for boys, although this is only statistically significant at the 10% level and for Wave 1 so this is rather a tentative finding. The results for social provisions are plotted in Figure 10 and suggest little variation in the difference in wellbeing by perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing depending on the level of social provisions.

4.3 Adverse life events

Next, we turn to the importance of adverse life events for young people’s wellbeing. This is explored through a series of models that, for ease of reference, are summarised in Table 8; full results are reported in Table 15, Table 16 and Table 17 in Section 6. The core results are plotted in Figure 11, demonstrating the association unconditionally (E1), adjusting for demographic measures (E2), and adjusting also for social support (E3).

Table 8: Model specifications for regression analysis of subjective wellbeing by life events.
Variable E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
Adverse Events Included Included Included Included Interacted with Demographics, SES, Social Support and Perceived Impact
Demographics Included Included Included Interacted with Adverse Events
SES Included Included Included Interacted with Adverse Events
Social Support Included Included Interacted with Adverse Events
Perceived Impact Included Interacted with Adverse Events

Notes: E1-E5 refer to the model number. SES = Socioeconomic status.

Figure 11: Differences in wellbeing by experience of adverse life events
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 2 adjusted for Wave 1

Notes: Reporting coefficients from underlying regression models reported in Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17.

Those who have experienced more adverse life events during the pandemic do report substantially lower wellbeing scores, with the unconditional difference between the low and high prevalence groups being 1.4 points at Wave 1 and 1.3 points at Wave 2. A small part of this difference is explained by demographic characteristics (in E2). However, more is explained by social support (in E3), especially in terms of the those who experienced the most adverse life events (i.e., the High tercile group), bringing the gap between low and high prevalence groups to 0.85 points at Wave 1 and 0.88 points at Wave 2.

As has become familiar, the patterns are similar but substantially attenuated when considering differences at Wave 2 that control for differences at Wave 1. Nevertheless, there remains a substantial difference (0.36 points) in wellbeing at Wave 2 by adverse events experienced even after controlling for wellbeing at Wave 1, demographic characteristics and social support.

Figure 12: Differences in wellbeing by perceived ongoing negative impact of the pandemic, with and without controlling for adverse life events

Notes: Reporting coefficients from underlying regression models reported in Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14, and Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17.

Building on the models reported in Figure 11, we also explore whether the association between adverse life events and wellbeing is mediated by the perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing. The core results are plotted in Figure 12, which compares our model including the perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing (E4) with the analogous model excluding our events measure from earlier analyses (P3). The results suggest that, despite the differences in perceptions explained by adverse events experienced as discussed at the start of this section, only a fairly small part of the perceived ongoing impact of the pandemic on wellbeing is explained by the experience of adverse life events during the pandemic.

We did also explore whether there was evidence that adverse events matter more for some groups than others using interactions between adverse life events and key demographic characteristics. These results are reported in column E5 of Table 15, Table 16 and Table 17 in Section 6. There is little evidence of any systematic moderation of the main effects that we have discussed.

5 Conclusions

This paper contributes to existing literature on young people’s wellbeing in England in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic by exploring levels of wellbeing at two time points since the pandemic and the factors associated with these levels. In particular, we build on existing work showing that the pandemic has had a negative impact on young people’s wellbeing (e.g., Mansfield et al., 2022), along with evidence of some initial recovery in wellbeing in the latter phases of the pandemic (Henseke et al., 2022).

We contribute to evidence on ongoing issues of gender differences in wellbeing, which other evidence demonstrates to have been exacerbated by the pandemic (e.g., Davillas & Jones, 2021), with girls and those who identify as non-binary or in another way reporting lower wellbeing scores (on a scale from 1-10 around 0.5 for girls; around 1.5 for non-binary+ young people) than boys, even after adjusting for other demographic characteristics, self-reported levels of social support and experience of adverse life events. These are substantial differences that are relevant to the higher rates of mental health challenges for those in these groups. In particular, the large differences associated with identifying as non-binary or in another way suggest the need for targeted support for those in this group.

Our analysis makes innovative use of young people’s own perceptions of the ongoing impact of the pandemic on their mental wellbeing in order to validate and quantify these reports. The findings of these analyses illustrate the importance of taking such reports seriously: those who indicate an ongoing negative impact in their lives have substantially lower subjective wellbeing scores — more than 1 point on a 1-10 scale — with similar differences across demographic groups.

Adverse life events experienced during the pandemic are shown to predict lower subjective wellbeing, although they can explain only a fairly small part of the lower scores we see among those who perceive an ongoing impact of the pandemic on their mental wellbeing. Contrary to our expectations, and in contrast to others’ findings (Racine et al., 2021), while social support predicts higher wellbeing scores, we did not find evidence that it mediates or buffers the impact of adverse life events in our population.

This study benefits from a large, representative, longitudinal dataset, with direct reports from both young people and parents to improve the quality of data collected. Nevertheless, in drawing these conclusions, we are mindful of the limitations of this study, most particularly that our data lacks any pre-pandemic baseline measures of wellbeing, which would substantially increase our ability to understand the longer-term dynamics of the changes (or lack thereof) in wellbeing that we have observed. We should also be aware that our data is drawn from a single cohort of young people in England, whose final years in compulsory education were especially disrupted by the impacts of the pandemic, which is important context in any attempt to generalise our findings to other populations.

Our findings indicate continuing challenges of inequalities in young people’s wellbeing and, hence, the importance of ongoing targeted support to overcome these. The practicalities of providing this at scale are now much harder for our specific cohort, since many of whom have now left education entirely, but many of the issues discussed will apply similarly to those still working their way through the education system who could be reached through schools and colleges. Ignoring this issue has potential implications for national economic performance (Deaton, 2008), including via the increased risk of mental health challenges implied (Lombardo et al., 2018), if more instrumental motivation is needed than simply the negative implications for the life experiences of these young people.


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6 Appendix: Full regression tables

Table 9: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 1
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 6.7*** 0.062 6.4*** 0.057 6.2*** 0.076 6.6*** 0.087 6.5*** 0.117 6.6*** 0.081 6.6*** 0.081 6.6*** 0.079


    Female -0.63*** 0.057

-0.63*** 0.056 -0.53*** 0.123 -0.60*** 0.051 -0.60*** 0.051 -0.50*** 0.051
    Non-Binary+ -1.9*** 0.216

-1.9*** 0.218 -1.7*** 0.387 -1.4*** 0.208 -1.4*** 0.230 -1.2*** 0.202



-0.33* 0.133

-0.27* 0.127 -0.34 0.278 -0.12 0.128 -0.14 0.124 -0.12 0.126

0.08 0.086

0.09 0.087 0.20 0.191 0.20** 0.078 0.20* 0.077 0.16* 0.075

-0.10 0.103

0.02 0.103 0.13 0.222 0.23* 0.092 0.22* 0.091 0.18* 0.089

0.03 0.229

0.06 0.224 0.16 0.513 0.22 0.189 0.22 0.184 0.22 0.193
SES Quintile Groups

    1 (Low SES)


0.03 0.094 0.00 0.093 0.05 0.146 -0.04 0.083 -0.03 0.081 -0.03 0.080

0.15 0.099 0.15 0.097 0.23 0.163 0.09 0.087 0.09 0.086 0.04 0.085

0.26** 0.090 0.27** 0.089 0.33* 0.140 0.16 0.082 0.16 0.082 0.09 0.081
    5 (High SES)

0.30** 0.094 0.30** 0.094 0.36* 0.142 0.21* 0.086 0.21* 0.085 0.12 0.084
SES Quintile Groups * Gender

    2 * Female

-0.09 0.175

    3 * Female

-0.24 0.185

    4 * Female

-0.05 0.170

    5 (High SES) * Female

-0.01 0.172

    2 * Non-Binary+

-0.23 0.553

    3 * Non-Binary+

0.46 0.697

    4 * Non-Binary+

0.23 0.588

    5 (High SES) * Non-Binary+

-1.3* 0.587

SES Quintile Groups * Ethnicity

    2 * Mixed

0.29 0.387

    3 * Mixed

0.26 0.363

    4 * Mixed

-0.25 0.333

    5 (High SES) * Mixed

0.11 0.332

    2 * Black

-0.02 0.246

    3 * Black

-0.05 0.239

    4 * Black

-0.23 0.287

    5 (High SES) * Black

-0.35 0.303

    2 * Asian

-0.11 0.220

    3 * Asian

0.07 0.258

    4 * Asian

0.04 0.387

    5 (High SES) * Asian

-0.66 0.935

    2 * Other

-0.06 0.551

    3 * Other

0.78 0.672

    4 * Other

-0.15 0.664

    5 (High SES) * Other

-0.08 0.949

Gender * Ethnicity

    Female * Mixed

0.01 0.249

    Non-Binary+ * Mixed

-0.22 0.617

    Female * Black

-0.09 0.161

    Non-Binary+ * Black

0.43 0.678

    Female * Asian

-0.09 0.220

    Non-Binary+ * Asian

-0.92 1.03

    Female * Other

-0.36 0.454

    Non-Binary+ * Other

1.4* 0.613

Social Provisions Scale

0.90*** 0.028 0.89*** 0.075 0.83*** 0.029
Gender * Social Provisions Scale

    Female * Social Provisions Scale

0.02 0.054

    Non-Binary+ * Social Provisions Scale

-0.07 0.157

Ethnicity * Social Provisions Scale

    Mixed * Social Provisions Scale

-0.17 0.109

    Black * Social Provisions Scale

-0.12 0.074

    Asian * Social Provisions Scale

-0.09 0.083

    Other * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.194

SES Quintile Groups * Social Provisions Scale

    2 * Social Provisions Scale

0.08 0.081

    3 * Social Provisions Scale

0.06 0.083

    4 * Social Provisions Scale

-0.02 0.089

    5 (High SES) * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.086

Adverse Event Index

-0.35*** 0.028
W1 Month of Interview

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.10 0.067 0.14* 0.067 0.12 0.067 0.09 0.068 0.10 0.068 0.03 0.061 0.03 0.061 0.03 0.060
    Nov 2021 0.41* 0.193 0.42* 0.185 0.37* 0.184 0.36 0.188 0.37* 0.183 0.38* 0.169 0.39* 0.169 0.38* 0.165
    Dec 2021 0.32* 0.135 0.30* 0.135 0.30* 0.135 0.29* 0.132 0.31* 0.135 0.14 0.116 0.14 0.116 0.13 0.113
    Jan 2022 0.49 0.250 0.50 0.260 0.51* 0.257 0.48 0.246 0.47* 0.241 0.47 0.260 0.47 0.262 0.43 0.256
    Feb 2022 -0.33 0.234 -0.21 0.251 -0.23 0.246 -0.37 0.233 -0.36 0.229 -0.50* 0.243 -0.49* 0.243 -0.49* 0.246
    Mar 2022 -0.12 0.093 -0.10 0.095 -0.10 0.096 -0.12 0.093 -0.12 0.093 -0.14 0.084 -0.14 0.084 -0.13 0.084
    Apr 2022 -0.04 0.102 0.00 0.105 -0.01 0.106 -0.06 0.103 -0.05 0.102 -0.08 0.096 -0.08 0.096 -0.10 0.093
N 7,723
Residual DoF 757
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 10: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 2
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 6.8*** 0.050 6.4*** 0.043 6.3*** 0.069 6.6*** 0.081 6.6*** 0.113 6.7*** 0.075 6.6*** 0.074 6.7*** 0.073


    Female -0.63*** 0.057

-0.63*** 0.057 -0.55*** 0.123 -0.60*** 0.051 -0.60*** 0.051 -0.51*** 0.051
    Non-Binary+ -1.9*** 0.212

-1.8*** 0.214 -1.7*** 0.383 -1.4*** 0.204 -1.4*** 0.224 -1.2*** 0.199



-0.33* 0.135

-0.27* 0.127 -0.32 0.279 -0.12 0.129 -0.14 0.125 -0.11 0.126

0.08 0.086

0.10 0.088 0.22 0.192 0.21** 0.079 0.20* 0.078 0.16* 0.075

-0.09 0.104

0.04 0.104 0.14 0.221 0.25** 0.092 0.24** 0.091 0.20* 0.089

0.01 0.230

0.05 0.225 0.15 0.515 0.21 0.190 0.21 0.185 0.21 0.194
SES Quintile Groups

    1 (Low SES)


0.03 0.095 0.00 0.093 0.05 0.147 -0.03 0.083 -0.03 0.082 -0.03 0.080

0.16 0.099 0.17 0.097 0.25 0.163 0.10 0.087 0.10 0.087 0.05 0.085

0.27** 0.089 0.28** 0.089 0.32* 0.140 0.16* 0.082 0.16* 0.082 0.10 0.080
    5 (High SES)

0.33*** 0.095 0.33*** 0.095 0.39** 0.141 0.24** 0.086 0.24** 0.086 0.15 0.085
SES Quintile Groups * Gender

    2 * Female

-0.08 0.175

    3 * Female

-0.22 0.186

    4 * Female

-0.03 0.170

    5 (High SES) * Female

0.01 0.175

    2 * Non-Binary+

-0.26 0.545

    3 * Non-Binary+

0.46 0.690

    4 * Non-Binary+

0.24 0.584

    5 (High SES) * Non-Binary+

-1.3* 0.576

SES Quintile Groups * Ethnicity

    2 * Mixed

0.27 0.388

    3 * Mixed

0.22 0.365

    4 * Mixed

-0.24 0.337

    5 (High SES) * Mixed

0.06 0.335

    2 * Black

-0.04 0.243

    3 * Black

-0.10 0.237

    4 * Black

-0.25 0.289

    5 (High SES) * Black

-0.35 0.308

    2 * Asian

-0.13 0.220

    3 * Asian

0.05 0.258

    4 * Asian

0.05 0.395

    5 (High SES) * Asian

-0.54 0.996

    2 * Other

-0.05 0.555

    3 * Other

0.75 0.675

    4 * Other

-0.14 0.660

    5 (High SES) * Other

-0.08 0.981

Gender * Ethnicity

    Female * Mixed

0.01 0.252

    Non-Binary+ * Mixed

-0.19 0.603

    Female * Black

-0.06 0.161

    Non-Binary+ * Black

0.41 0.694

    Female * Asian

-0.06 0.221

    Non-Binary+ * Asian

-0.91 1.08

    Female * Other

-0.37 0.454

    Non-Binary+ * Other

1.4* 0.663

Social Provisions Scale

0.90*** 0.028 0.88*** 0.075 0.83*** 0.029
Gender * Social Provisions Scale

    Female * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.055

    Non-Binary+ * Social Provisions Scale

-0.07 0.154

Ethnicity * Social Provisions Scale

    Mixed * Social Provisions Scale

-0.18 0.108

    Black * Social Provisions Scale

-0.11 0.073

    Asian * Social Provisions Scale

-0.08 0.083

    Other * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.195

SES Quintile Groups * Social Provisions Scale

    2 * Social Provisions Scale

0.08 0.082

    3 * Social Provisions Scale

0.07 0.083

    4 * Social Provisions Scale

-0.01 0.090

    5 (High SES) * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.088

Adverse Event Index

-0.35*** 0.028
W2 Month of Survey

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.07 0.059 -0.03 0.061 -0.04 0.061 -0.09 0.059 -0.08 0.059 -0.09 0.053 -0.09 0.053 -0.11* 0.052
    December 2022 -0.13 0.133 -0.09 0.141 -0.10 0.140 -0.15 0.133 -0.14 0.132 -0.16 0.121 -0.16 0.121 -0.16 0.118
    January 2023 -0.31 0.222 -0.21 0.222 -0.20 0.226 -0.31 0.227 -0.31 0.225 -0.38 0.201 -0.37 0.200 -0.39* 0.188
    February 2023 0.62** 0.211 0.65** 0.199 0.66** 0.201 0.60** 0.214 0.60** 0.210 0.48* 0.192 0.48* 0.191 0.43* 0.185
    March 2023 -0.16 0.212 -0.09 0.213 -0.07 0.211 -0.16 0.209 -0.17 0.208 -0.09 0.203 -0.10 0.203 -0.09 0.204
    April 2023 -0.04 0.226 -0.01 0.230 -0.05 0.227 -0.07 0.223 -0.06 0.224 0.12 0.179 0.12 0.178 0.11 0.177
N 7,723
Residual DoF 758
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 11: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 2 (conditional on Wave 1 wellbeing)
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.3*** 0.118 3.0*** 0.106 2.9*** 0.112 3.2*** 0.126 3.1*** 0.140 3.5*** 0.138 3.5*** 0.138 3.6*** 0.138


    Female -0.28*** 0.046

-0.29*** 0.046 -0.20 0.114 -0.31*** 0.046 -0.31*** 0.047 -0.26*** 0.046
    Non-Binary+ -0.77*** 0.169

-0.75*** 0.169 -1.1** 0.349 -0.74*** 0.165 -0.70*** 0.173 -0.66*** 0.162
Wave 1 Wellbeing 0.51*** 0.015 0.53*** 0.014 0.53*** 0.014 0.51*** 0.015 0.51*** 0.015 0.47*** 0.017 0.47*** 0.017 0.45*** 0.017



-0.17 0.098

-0.15 0.098 0.01 0.242 -0.13 0.099 -0.12 0.100 -0.13 0.098

-0.01 0.058

0.00 0.060 0.25 0.132 0.02 0.060 0.02 0.059 -0.01 0.060

0.04 0.083

0.10 0.086 0.25 0.158 0.14 0.087 0.10 0.086 0.11 0.084

0.18 0.177

0.19 0.176 0.30 0.386 0.23 0.173 0.25 0.166 0.23 0.169
SES Quintile Groups

    1 (Low SES)


0.10 0.075 0.09 0.074 0.14 0.124 0.09 0.074 0.08 0.073 0.09 0.073

0.06 0.071 0.07 0.071 0.13 0.123 0.06 0.071 0.06 0.071 0.03 0.070

0.13 0.076 0.15 0.077 0.22 0.125 0.13 0.076 0.13 0.077 0.09 0.075
    5 (High SES)

0.15* 0.075 0.17* 0.078 0.21 0.114 0.16* 0.077 0.16* 0.077 0.11 0.076
SES Quintile Groups * Gender

    2 * Female

-0.07 0.150

    3 * Female

-0.03 0.148

    4 * Female

-0.07 0.154

    5 (High SES) * Female

-0.05 0.144

    2 * Non-Binary+

-0.06 0.403

    3 * Non-Binary+

0.68 0.424

    4 * Non-Binary+

0.09 0.522

    5 (High SES) * Non-Binary+

0.54 0.563

SES Quintile Groups * Ethnicity

    2 * Mixed

-0.24 0.335

    3 * Mixed

-0.27 0.244

    4 * Mixed

-0.11 0.287

    5 (High SES) * Mixed

0.03 0.292

    2 * Black

-0.13 0.165

    3 * Black

-0.39* 0.178

    4 * Black

-0.20 0.200

    5 (High SES) * Black

-0.42 0.216

    2 * Asian

-0.09 0.208

    3 * Asian

-0.13 0.234

    4 * Asian

0.17 0.213

    5 (High SES) * Asian

0.77 0.775

    2 * Other

0.85 0.437

    3 * Other

0.30 0.414

    4 * Other

-0.93* 0.448

    5 (High SES) * Other

-0.77 0.700

Gender * Ethnicity

    Female * Mixed

-0.13 0.212

    Non-Binary+ * Mixed

0.54 0.478

    Female * Black

-0.16 0.114

    Non-Binary+ * Black

-0.14 0.654

    Female * Asian

-0.27 0.168

    Non-Binary+ * Asian

2.0** 0.665

    Female * Other

-0.35 0.332

    Non-Binary+ * Other

0.42 0.433

Social Provisions Scale

0.19*** 0.029 0.18** 0.067 0.16*** 0.029
Gender * Social Provisions Scale

    Female * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.055

    Non-Binary+ * Social Provisions Scale

0.09 0.126

Ethnicity * Social Provisions Scale

    Mixed * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.088

    Black * Social Provisions Scale

0.00 0.068

    Asian * Social Provisions Scale

-0.21** 0.078

    Other * Social Provisions Scale

0.11 0.174

SES Quintile Groups * Social Provisions Scale

    2 * Social Provisions Scale

-0.06 0.073

    3 * Social Provisions Scale

-0.01 0.076

    4 * Social Provisions Scale

0.03 0.084

    5 (High SES) * Social Provisions Scale

0.01 0.079

Adverse Event Index

-0.23*** 0.024
W2 Month of Survey

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.03 0.049 -0.02 0.050 -0.02 0.050 -0.04 0.050 -0.05 0.050 -0.05 0.050 -0.04 0.050 -0.06 0.050
    December 2022 0.24* 0.103 0.26* 0.105 0.26* 0.104 0.23* 0.103 0.23* 0.102 0.23* 0.103 0.23* 0.102 0.22* 0.100
    January 2023 0.42 0.255 0.46 0.257 0.47 0.256 0.42 0.253 0.40 0.253 0.39 0.256 0.40 0.256 0.37 0.263
    February 2023 0.31 0.208 0.32 0.204 0.33 0.206 0.31 0.210 0.29 0.210 0.31 0.203 0.31 0.201 0.29 0.205
    March 2023 0.39** 0.139 0.43** 0.138 0.43** 0.139 0.39** 0.141 0.37** 0.140 0.40** 0.142 0.40** 0.141 0.39** 0.146
    April 2023 0.16 0.183 0.16 0.185 0.16 0.185 0.14 0.184 0.16 0.183 0.18 0.180 0.18 0.180 0.18 0.183
N 7,723
Residual DoF 757
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 12: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 1 by perceived continuing impact of pandemic on wellbeing
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 6.7*** 0.057 6.9*** 0.103 6.9*** 0.092 6.9*** 0.106
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -1.1*** 0.062 -1.0*** 0.062 -0.85*** 0.055 -1.0*** 0.181



-0.46*** 0.057 -0.47*** 0.051 -0.55*** 0.061

-1.5*** 0.213 -1.1*** 0.205 -1.2*** 0.288



-0.28* 0.123 -0.13 0.125 -0.13 0.151

0.04 0.082 0.15* 0.076 0.19* 0.089

0.00 0.102 0.19* 0.092 0.12 0.111

0.09 0.219 0.22 0.187 0.22 0.227
Parental Education


    Below Graduate

-0.07 0.066 -0.05 0.059 -0.09 0.071
    No Quals

-0.22 0.124 -0.09 0.115 -0.10 0.144

-0.09 0.303 0.14 0.331 0.18 0.401
Housing Tenure

    Own House


-0.10 0.066 -0.06 0.062 0.01 0.076
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)


0.14 0.093 0.09 0.085 0.08 0.103

0.07 0.098 0.03 0.089 0.01 0.108

0.22* 0.097 0.19* 0.088 0.08 0.104
    5 (Low Deprivation)

0.27** 0.103 0.21* 0.093 0.24* 0.112
Social Provisions Scale

0.86*** 0.028 0.86*** 0.035
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Gender

    Yes * Female

0.27* 0.109
    Yes * Non-Binary+

0.32 0.387
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Ethnicity

    Yes * Mixed

0.00 0.216
    Yes * Black

-0.14 0.162
    Yes * Asian

0.23 0.184
    Yes * Other

-0.05 0.416
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Parental Education

    Yes * Below Graduate

0.11 0.124
    Yes * No Quals

0.01 0.227
    Yes * Unknown

-0.23 0.589
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Housing Tenure

    Yes * Other

-0.22 0.126
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * IDACI Quintile Group

    Yes * 2

0.06 0.169
    Yes * 3

0.08 0.189
    Yes * 4

0.35 0.183
    Yes * 5 (Low Deprivation)

-0.08 0.199
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Social Provisions Scale

    Yes * Social Provisions Scale

-0.02 0.052
W1 Month of Interview

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.12 0.067 0.07 0.067 0.02 0.060 0.02 0.060
    Nov 2021 0.37* 0.185 0.29 0.184 0.33 0.169 0.33 0.167
    Dec 2021 0.25 0.132 0.23 0.132 0.10 0.114 0.10 0.112
    Jan 2022 0.48 0.254 0.45 0.234 0.45 0.256 0.43 0.258
    Feb 2022 -0.39 0.235 -0.52* 0.225 -0.62** 0.233 -0.61* 0.236
    Mar 2022 -0.08 0.093 -0.11 0.092 -0.13 0.083 -0.12 0.083
    Apr 2022 -0.01 0.103 -0.07 0.102 -0.09 0.094 -0.08 0.094
N 7,723
Residual DoF 758
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 13: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 2 by perceived continuing impact of pandemic on wellbeing
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 6.9*** 0.041 7.0*** 0.093 6.9*** 0.089 7.0*** 0.104
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -1.4*** 0.059 -1.3*** 0.058 -1.2*** 0.057 -1.3*** 0.193



-0.40*** 0.056 -0.41*** 0.053 -0.47*** 0.063

-1.2*** 0.184 -0.98*** 0.175 -1.2*** 0.248



-0.29* 0.118 -0.19 0.120 -0.15 0.144

-0.06 0.073 0.00 0.072 0.05 0.085

0.10 0.104 0.22* 0.103 0.14 0.127

0.25 0.194 0.33 0.177 0.45* 0.197
Parental Education


    Below Graduate

-0.03 0.064 -0.01 0.059 0.01 0.072
    No Quals

0.14 0.109 0.22* 0.107 0.30* 0.131

-0.10 0.318 0.04 0.342 -0.06 0.418
Housing Tenure

    Own House


-0.23*** 0.060 -0.21*** 0.059 -0.20** 0.074
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)


0.19* 0.088 0.16 0.084 0.13 0.102

0.22* 0.092 0.19* 0.087 0.13 0.105

0.26** 0.091 0.24** 0.087 0.21* 0.105
    5 (Low Deprivation)

0.23* 0.094 0.19* 0.088 0.19 0.109
Social Provisions Scale

0.55*** 0.029 0.56*** 0.039
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Gender

    Yes * Female

0.22 0.117
    Yes * Non-Binary+

0.41 0.344
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Ethnicity

    Yes * Mixed

-0.13 0.281
    Yes * Black

-0.19 0.168
    Yes * Asian

0.28 0.209
    Yes * Other

-0.36 0.415
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Parental Education

    Yes * Below Graduate

-0.08 0.124
    Yes * No Quals

-0.31 0.222
    Yes * Unknown

0.50 0.494
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Housing Tenure

    Yes * Other

-0.02 0.126
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * IDACI Quintile Group

    Yes * 2

0.10 0.169
    Yes * 3

0.19 0.186
    Yes * 4

0.09 0.187
    Yes * 5 (Low Deprivation)

-0.01 0.196
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Social Provisions Scale

    Yes * Social Provisions Scale

-0.03 0.058
W2 Month of Survey

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.04 0.056 -0.09 0.055 -0.09 0.053 -0.09 0.053
    December 2022 0.13 0.126 0.09 0.122 0.09 0.116 0.09 0.115
    January 2023 0.21 0.271 0.13 0.270 0.10 0.268 0.10 0.268
    February 2023 0.47 0.243 0.41 0.256 0.35 0.224 0.36 0.222
    March 2023 0.27 0.181 0.21 0.180 0.27 0.182 0.27 0.180
    April 2023 0.12 0.208 0.07 0.202 0.18 0.180 0.18 0.180
N 7,723
Residual DoF 759
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 14: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 2 (conditional on Wave 1 wellbeing) by perceived continuing impact of pandemic on wellbeing
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.6*** 0.121 3.7*** 0.150 4.0*** 0.158 4.0*** 0.163
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -0.85*** 0.055 -0.81*** 0.055 -0.81*** 0.055 -0.86*** 0.179
Wave 1 Wellbeing 0.48*** 0.015 0.46*** 0.015 0.42*** 0.017 0.42*** 0.017



-0.19*** 0.046 -0.21*** 0.046 -0.23*** 0.054

-0.54** 0.167 -0.53** 0.164 -0.67* 0.269



-0.15 0.095 -0.13 0.097 -0.08 0.127

-0.09 0.060 -0.06 0.061 -0.03 0.072

0.09 0.089 0.13 0.090 0.08 0.110

0.22 0.172 0.25 0.169 0.37 0.195
Parental Education


    Below Graduate

0.03 0.052 0.03 0.051 0.07 0.062
    No Quals

0.24** 0.087 0.26** 0.088 0.34*** 0.103

-0.07 0.264 -0.03 0.273 -0.16 0.332
Housing Tenure

    Own House


-0.18*** 0.053 -0.18*** 0.053 -0.21** 0.063
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)


0.12 0.075 0.12 0.075 0.09 0.090

0.19* 0.080 0.18* 0.079 0.12 0.094

0.15* 0.077 0.15* 0.077 0.17 0.091
    5 (Low Deprivation)

0.08 0.078 0.08 0.078 0.06 0.097
Social Provisions Scale

0.19*** 0.029 0.20*** 0.037
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Gender

    Yes * Female

0.10 0.107
    Yes * Non-Binary+

0.28 0.336
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Ethnicity

    Yes * Mixed

-0.14 0.265
    Yes * Black

-0.14 0.149
    Yes * Asian

0.16 0.189
    Yes * Other

-0.33 0.374
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Parental Education

    Yes * Below Graduate

-0.13 0.109
    Yes * No Quals

-0.31 0.199
    Yes * Unknown

0.64 0.445
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Housing Tenure

    Yes * Other

0.09 0.112
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * IDACI Quintile Group

    Yes * 2

0.08 0.155
    Yes * 3

0.16 0.166
    Yes * 4

-0.06 0.174
    Yes * 5 (Low Deprivation)

0.03 0.172
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing * Social Provisions Scale

    Yes * Social Provisions Scale

-0.02 0.053
W1 Month of Interview

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.07 0.057 0.05 0.055 0.05 0.055 0.05 0.055
    Nov 2021 0.29* 0.113 0.27* 0.116 0.29* 0.114 0.29* 0.115
    Dec 2021 0.30* 0.118 0.29* 0.119 0.27* 0.117 0.28* 0.116
    Jan 2022 0.15 0.160 0.17 0.150 0.19 0.154 0.19 0.152
    Feb 2022 0.32 0.340 0.29 0.334 0.25 0.346 0.25 0.345
    Mar 2022 -0.05 0.078 -0.06 0.078 -0.07 0.078 -0.07 0.078
    Apr 2022 0.01 0.080 -0.02 0.080 -0.02 0.080 -0.02 0.080
W2 Month of Survey

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.04 0.049 -0.06 0.049 -0.06 0.049 -0.06 0.049
    December 2022 0.19 0.103 0.17 0.102 0.16 0.101 0.16 0.101
    January 2023 0.36 0.244 0.32 0.242 0.30 0.244 0.29 0.244
    February 2023 0.21 0.217 0.18 0.220 0.18 0.212 0.18 0.211
    March 2023 0.32* 0.140 0.29* 0.142 0.30* 0.145 0.30* 0.144
    April 2023 0.12 0.180 0.10 0.179 0.13 0.175 0.13 0.174
N 7,723
Residual DoF 751
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 15: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 1 by number of life events experienced during pandemic
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 7.0*** 0.064 7.2*** 0.107 7.0*** 0.101 7.1*** 0.099 7.0*** 0.143
Adverse Event Tercile Groups

    Medium -0.58*** 0.066 -0.53*** 0.066 -0.36*** 0.062 -0.30*** 0.062 0.15 0.183
    High -1.4*** 0.070 -1.3*** 0.070 -0.85*** 0.068 -0.68*** 0.069 -0.70*** 0.189



-0.48*** 0.056 -0.50*** 0.051 -0.41*** 0.051 -0.43*** 0.081

-1.6*** 0.204 -1.3*** 0.200 -1.0*** 0.200 -0.91* 0.409



-0.23 0.126 -0.11 0.128 -0.12 0.125 -0.12 0.145

0.03 0.086 0.14 0.078 0.12 0.074 0.15 0.087

-0.03 0.100 0.17 0.091 0.15 0.090 0.11 0.107

0.08 0.220 0.20 0.190 0.20 0.187 0.24 0.218
Parental Education


    Below Graduate

-0.02 0.064 -0.01 0.058 -0.04 0.058 0.03 0.089
    No Quals

-0.16 0.126 -0.04 0.116 -0.10 0.114 0.07 0.189

-0.01 0.314 0.21 0.337 0.11 0.333 0.32 0.607
Housing Tenure

    Own House


-0.09 0.067 -0.06 0.063 -0.04 0.062 0.05 0.106
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)


0.05 0.091 0.03 0.084 0.06 0.084 0.18 0.141

-0.02 0.098 -0.03 0.090 0.00 0.088 0.00 0.158

0.17 0.096 0.15 0.088 0.17 0.087 0.28* 0.138
    5 (Low Deprivation)

0.14 0.100 0.12 0.093 0.17 0.091 0.20 0.148
Social Provisions Scale

0.83*** 0.029 0.81*** 0.029 0.88*** 0.062
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing



-0.72*** 0.055 -0.71*** 0.064
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Gender

    Medium * Female

-0.08 0.111
    High * Female

0.14 0.124
    Medium * Non-Binary+

-0.14 0.572
    High * Non-Binary+

-0.16 0.464
Ethnicity * Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Mixed * Yes

-0.03 0.211
    Black * Yes

-0.12 0.151
    Asian * Yes

0.15 0.171
    Other * Yes

-0.16 0.411
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Parental Education

    Medium * Below Graduate

0.00 0.130
    High * Below Graduate

-0.20 0.136
    Medium * No Quals

-0.26 0.234
    High * No Quals

-0.31 0.283
    Medium * Unknown

-0.93 0.747
    High * Unknown

0.48 0.749
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Housing Tenure

    Medium * Other

-0.26 0.147
    High * Other

-0.04 0.150
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * IDACI Quintile Group

    Medium * 2

-0.36 0.197
    High * 2

-0.12 0.194
    Medium * 3

-0.25 0.210
    High * 3

0.18 0.208
    Medium * 4

-0.57** 0.192
    High * 4

0.12 0.193
    Medium * 5 (Low Deprivation)

-0.25 0.202
    High * 5 (Low Deprivation)

0.07 0.211
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Social Provisions Scale

    Medium * Social Provisions Scale

-0.03 0.075
    High * Social Provisions Scale

-0.14 0.072
W1 Month of Interview

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.10 0.065 0.07 0.065 0.02 0.059 0.02 0.059 0.03 0.059
    Nov 2021 0.42* 0.186 0.37* 0.183 0.39* 0.168 0.35* 0.168 0.36* 0.165
    Dec 2021 0.26* 0.126 0.24 0.125 0.12 0.113 0.09 0.111 0.10 0.109
    Jan 2022 0.45 0.262 0.44 0.246 0.45 0.253 0.43 0.255 0.42 0.255
    Feb 2022 -0.24 0.263 -0.38 0.250 -0.50* 0.247 -0.60* 0.238 -0.60* 0.240
    Mar 2022 -0.11 0.094 -0.13 0.092 -0.15 0.084 -0.13 0.083 -0.13 0.083
    Apr 2022 -0.06 0.099 -0.11 0.098 -0.11 0.093 -0.11 0.092 -0.10 0.091
N 7,723
Residual DoF 757
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 16: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 2 by number of life events experienced during pandemic
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 7.0*** 0.049 7.2*** 0.098 7.0*** 0.095 7.2*** 0.092 7.2*** 0.123
Adverse Event Tercile Groups

    Medium -0.55*** 0.064 -0.50*** 0.063 -0.39*** 0.063 -0.31*** 0.061 -0.32 0.190
    High -1.3*** 0.066 -1.1*** 0.066 -0.88*** 0.067 -0.64*** 0.067 -0.61*** 0.182



-0.48*** 0.054 -0.49*** 0.052 -0.35*** 0.053 -0.35*** 0.080

-1.4*** 0.174 -1.2*** 0.167 -0.92*** 0.171 -0.92** 0.346



-0.24 0.124 -0.16 0.126 -0.18 0.120 -0.15 0.139

-0.06 0.078 0.01 0.075 -0.02 0.072 0.02 0.083

0.09 0.101 0.22* 0.100 0.18 0.099 0.09 0.121

0.23 0.202 0.31 0.186 0.32 0.177 0.43* 0.195
Parental Education


    Below Graduate

0.03 0.064 0.04 0.060 -0.01 0.059 -0.05 0.090
    No Quals

0.22* 0.112 0.30** 0.109 0.20 0.106 0.37* 0.160

0.02 0.325 0.15 0.347 0.01 0.345 -0.18 0.338
Housing Tenure

    Own House


-0.24*** 0.062 -0.22*** 0.061 -0.18** 0.059 -0.16 0.096
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)


0.10 0.086 0.09 0.083 0.13 0.083 0.16 0.126

0.13 0.093 0.11 0.088 0.17* 0.086 0.16 0.135

0.22* 0.093 0.20* 0.090 0.23** 0.087 0.17 0.126
    5 (Low Deprivation)

0.09 0.095 0.07 0.091 0.14 0.087 0.06 0.137
Social Provisions Scale

0.53*** 0.030 0.50*** 0.030 0.57*** 0.063
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing



-1.1*** 0.057 -1.0*** 0.065
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Gender

    Medium * Female

-0.05 0.124
    High * Female

0.01 0.131
    Medium * Non-Binary+

0.37 0.472
    High * Non-Binary+

-0.23 0.389
Ethnicity * Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Mixed * Yes

-0.12 0.281
    Black * Yes

-0.17 0.150
    Asian * Yes

0.31 0.192
    Other * Yes

-0.43 0.410
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Parental Education

    Medium * Below Graduate

0.09 0.132
    High * Below Graduate

0.03 0.139
    Medium * No Quals

-0.14 0.229
    High * No Quals

-0.39 0.255
    Medium * Unknown

0.17 0.805
    High * Unknown

0.38 0.599
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Housing Tenure

    Medium * Other

0.10 0.155
    High * Other

-0.15 0.143
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * IDACI Quintile Group

    Medium * 2

-0.11 0.196
    High * 2

-0.05 0.198
    Medium * 3

-0.10 0.204
    High * 3

0.09 0.191
    Medium * 4

0.00 0.197
    High * 4

0.13 0.183
    Medium * 5 (Low Deprivation)

0.11 0.216
    High * 5 (Low Deprivation)

0.13 0.208
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Social Provisions Scale

    Medium * Social Provisions Scale

-0.06 0.082
    High * Social Provisions Scale

-0.11 0.072
W2 Month of Survey

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.05 0.057 -0.10 0.056 -0.10 0.055 -0.10 0.053 -0.09 0.053
    December 2022 0.19 0.124 0.15 0.118 0.15 0.114 0.09 0.113 0.10 0.113
    January 2023 0.35 0.310 0.25 0.301 0.21 0.296 0.12 0.279 0.10 0.273
    February 2023 0.60* 0.234 0.53* 0.246 0.48* 0.221 0.35 0.224 0.34 0.221
    March 2023 0.39* 0.186 0.31 0.187 0.35 0.185 0.28 0.185 0.27 0.183
    April 2023 0.17 0.216 0.13 0.210 0.23 0.188 0.19 0.184 0.17 0.185
N 7,723
Residual DoF 758
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 17: Differences in wellbeing at Wave 2 (conditional on Wave 1 wellbeing) by number of life events experienced during pandemic
Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2 Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.5*** 0.126 3.7*** 0.154 4.2*** 0.163 4.2*** 0.163 4.3*** 0.178
Adverse Event Tercile Groups

    Medium -0.26*** 0.056 -0.25*** 0.056 -0.19*** 0.054 -0.19*** 0.054 -0.37* 0.167
    High -0.59*** 0.060 -0.54*** 0.060 -0.36*** 0.060 -0.36*** 0.060 -0.33 0.171
Wave 1 Wellbeing 0.49*** 0.015 0.48*** 0.015 0.41*** 0.017 0.41*** 0.017 0.41*** 0.017



-0.24*** 0.045 -0.18*** 0.046 -0.18*** 0.046 -0.17* 0.070

-0.69*** 0.162 -0.50** 0.162 -0.50** 0.162 -0.52 0.315



-0.12 0.098 -0.13 0.098 -0.13 0.098 -0.10 0.126

-0.08 0.061 -0.07 0.061 -0.07 0.061 -0.04 0.071

0.09 0.088 0.11 0.089 0.11 0.089 0.03 0.106

0.21 0.177 0.25 0.169 0.25 0.169 0.34 0.194
Parental Education


    Below Graduate

0.06 0.053 0.03 0.051 0.03 0.051 -0.03 0.077
    No Quals

0.30*** 0.088 0.25** 0.088 0.25** 0.088 0.34* 0.135

0.01 0.263 -0.04 0.276 -0.04 0.276 -0.30 0.245
Housing Tenure

    Own House


-0.20*** 0.054 -0.17** 0.053 -0.17** 0.053 -0.18* 0.081
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)


0.07 0.074 0.10 0.075 0.10 0.075 0.08 0.111

0.13 0.081 0.17* 0.079 0.17* 0.079 0.16 0.117

0.12 0.079 0.15 0.077 0.15 0.077 0.05 0.114
    5 (Low Deprivation)

0.00 0.079 0.05 0.078 0.05 0.078 -0.03 0.119
Social Provisions Scale

0.17*** 0.029 0.17*** 0.029 0.21*** 0.053
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing



-0.76*** 0.055 -0.76*** 0.055 -0.74*** 0.062
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Gender

    Medium * Female

-0.02 0.111
    High * Female

-0.04 0.121
    Medium * Non-Binary+

0.37 0.434
    High * Non-Binary+

-0.20 0.359
Ethnicity * Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Mixed * Yes

-0.12 0.266
    Black * Yes

-0.13 0.135
    Asian * Yes

0.23 0.174
    Other * Yes

-0.35 0.374
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Parental Education

    Medium * Below Graduate

0.09 0.118
    High * Below Graduate

0.11 0.123
    Medium * No Quals

-0.04 0.207
    High * No Quals

-0.24 0.208
    Medium * Unknown

0.47 0.647
    High * Unknown

0.20 0.440
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Housing Tenure

    Medium * Other

0.22 0.136
    High * Other

-0.14 0.126
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * IDACI Quintile Group

    Medium * 2

0.03 0.174
    High * 2

0.02 0.183
    Medium * 3

-0.01 0.176
    High * 3

0.03 0.174
    Medium * 4

0.23 0.177
    High * 4

0.07 0.170
    Medium * 5 (Low Deprivation)

0.18 0.193
    High * 5 (Low Deprivation)

0.08 0.185
Adverse Event Tercile Groups * Social Provisions Scale

    Medium * Social Provisions Scale

-0.04 0.073
    High * Social Provisions Scale

-0.05 0.061
W1 Month of Interview

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.06 0.058 0.05 0.056 0.05 0.055 0.05 0.055 0.04 0.055
    Nov 2021 0.32** 0.114 0.32** 0.118 0.31** 0.116 0.31** 0.116 0.30* 0.118
    Dec 2021 0.31** 0.111 0.31** 0.112 0.27* 0.114 0.27* 0.114 0.26* 0.113
    Jan 2022 0.13 0.166 0.17 0.155 0.19 0.156 0.19 0.156 0.16 0.159
    Feb 2022 0.44 0.347 0.41 0.339 0.26 0.348 0.26 0.348 0.27 0.350
    Mar 2022 -0.06 0.078 -0.08 0.078 -0.07 0.077 -0.07 0.077 -0.08 0.077
    Apr 2022 -0.02 0.080 -0.04 0.080 -0.04 0.080 -0.04 0.080 -0.04 0.079
W2 Month of Survey

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.04 0.049 -0.06 0.049 -0.06 0.049 -0.06 0.049 -0.06 0.048
    December 2022 0.23* 0.102 0.21* 0.101 0.16 0.100 0.16 0.100 0.16 0.099
    January 2023 0.45 0.269 0.40 0.264 0.30 0.253 0.30 0.253 0.29 0.249
    February 2023 0.29 0.212 0.25 0.215 0.18 0.213 0.18 0.213 0.17 0.210
    March 2023 0.39** 0.144 0.35* 0.146 0.30* 0.148 0.30* 0.148 0.30* 0.147
    April 2023 0.15 0.185 0.13 0.183 0.14 0.177 0.14 0.177 0.13 0.177
N 7,723
Residual DoF 750
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design.
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error

7 Appendix: Multiple Imputation

Table 18: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 1 on perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.3*** 0.130

    Female -0.47*** 0.051
    Non-Binary+ -1.2*** 0.178

    Mixed -0.09 0.115
    Black 0.15* 0.071
    Asian 0.18* 0.079
    Other 0.18 0.174
SES Quintile Group

    Q1 (Low)
    Q2 -0.10 0.080
    Q3 0.04 0.081
    Q4 -0.01 0.076
    Q5 (High) 0.07 0.081
Social Provisions Scale 0.64*** 0.021
Adverse Event Index -0.50*** 0.037
Wave 1 Survey Month

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.03 0.057
    Nov 2021 0.37* 0.154
    Dec 2021 0.09 0.108
    Jan 2022 0.33 0.244
    Feb 2022 -0.43* 0.212
    Mar 2022 -0.12 0.081
    Apr 2022 -0.09 0.088
N 9,307
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design. Minimum residual degrees of freedom in any of the 10 imputations = 748
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 19: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 2 on perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 4.8*** 0.130
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -1.0*** 0.055

    Female -0.32*** 0.049
    Non-Binary+ -0.97*** 0.166

    Mixed -0.16 0.109
    Black 0.09 0.066
    Asian 0.06 0.091
    Other 0.30 0.162
SES Quintile Group

    Q1 (Low)
    Q2 0.09 0.078
    Q3 0.08 0.075
    Q4 0.15 0.077
    Q5 (High) 0.26** 0.087
Social Provisions Scale 0.39*** 0.021
Adverse Event Index -0.39*** 0.035
Wave 2 Survey Month

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.11* 0.052
    December 2022 0.09 0.104
    January 2023 0.25 0.289
    February 2023 0.34 0.208
    March 2023 0.41* 0.182
    April 2023 0.01 0.178
N 9,307
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design. Minimum residual degrees of freedom in any of the 10 imputations = 748
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 20: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 2 (adjusted for wellbeing at Wave 1) on perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.3*** 0.134
Wave 1 Wellbeing 0.41*** 0.016
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -0.75*** 0.051

    Female -0.16*** 0.043
    Non-Binary+ -0.56*** 0.162

    Mixed -0.11 0.089
    Black 0.03 0.057
    Asian -0.03 0.083
    Other 0.24 0.149
SES Quintile Group

    Q1 (Low)
    Q2 0.13 0.071
    Q3 0.05 0.067
    Q4 0.13 0.070
    Q5 (High) 0.17* 0.073
Social Provisions Scale 0.13*** 0.021
Adverse Event Index -0.22*** 0.031
Wave 1 Survey Month

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.01 0.052
    Nov 2021 0.24* 0.122
    Dec 2021 0.36** 0.113
    Jan 2022 0.19 0.175
    Feb 2022 0.23 0.285
    Mar 2022 -0.03 0.069
    Apr 2022 -0.03 0.075
Wave 2 Survey Month

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.08 0.047
    December 2022 0.13 0.095
    January 2023 0.40 0.264
    February 2023 0.20 0.201
    March 2023 0.44** 0.151
    April 2023 0.00 0.176
N 9,307
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design. Minimum residual degrees of freedom in any of the 10 imputations = 740
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 21: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 1 on perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.5*** 0.167
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -0.84*** 0.051

    Female -0.45*** 0.050
    Non-Binary+ -1.1*** 0.184

    Mixed -0.11 0.114
    Black 0.15* 0.072
    Asian 0.19* 0.080
    Other 0.19 0.170
Parental Education -0.02 0.045
Housing Tenure -0.05 0.057
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)
    2 0.07 0.077
    3 0.03 0.084
    4 0.17* 0.082
    5 (Low Deprivation) 0.19* 0.087
Social Provisions Scale 0.67*** 0.020
Wave 1 Survey Month

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.02 0.056
    Nov 2021 0.33* 0.158
    Dec 2021 0.08 0.110
    Jan 2022 0.36 0.246
    Feb 2022 -0.53** 0.202
    Mar 2022 -0.12 0.080
    Apr 2022 -0.07 0.088
N 9,307
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design. Minimum residual degrees of freedom in any of the 10 imputations = 746
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 22: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 2 on perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 4.9*** 0.170
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -1.2*** 0.054

    Female -0.38*** 0.050
    Non-Binary+ -1.1*** 0.168

    Mixed -0.16 0.110
    Black 0.08 0.067
    Asian 0.11 0.095
    Other 0.32 0.165
Parental Education 0.03 0.044
Housing Tenure -0.17** 0.056
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)
    2 0.15* 0.077
    3 0.13 0.081
    4 0.19* 0.081
    5 (Low Deprivation) 0.20* 0.086
Social Provisions Scale 0.43*** 0.021
Wave 2 Survey Month

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.10* 0.052
    December 2022 0.08 0.108
    January 2023 0.23 0.280
    February 2023 0.34 0.205
    March 2023 0.40* 0.181
    April 2023 0.00 0.174
N 9,307
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design. Minimum residual degrees of freedom in any of the 10 imputations = 747
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 23: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 2 (adjusted for wellbeing at Wave 1) on perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 3.3*** 0.171
Wave 1 Wellbeing 0.43*** 0.016
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -0.81*** 0.051

    Female -0.19*** 0.043
    Non-Binary+ -0.61*** 0.162

    Mixed -0.10 0.089
    Black 0.01 0.057
    Asian 0.01 0.086
    Other 0.25 0.151
Parental Education 0.05 0.037
Housing Tenure -0.15** 0.050
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)
    2 0.12 0.067
    3 0.12 0.075
    4 0.10 0.072
    5 (Low Deprivation) 0.10 0.074
Social Provisions Scale 0.14*** 0.021
Wave 1 Survey Month

    Sep 2021
    Oct 2021 0.01 0.052
    Nov 2021 0.24* 0.120
    Dec 2021 0.36** 0.114
    Jan 2022 0.21 0.172
    Feb 2022 0.23 0.285
    Mar 2022 -0.04 0.070
    Apr 2022 -0.02 0.076
Wave 2 Survey Month

    October 2022
    November 2022 -0.08 0.047
    December 2022 0.12 0.096
    January 2023 0.40 0.256
    February 2023 0.18 0.197
    March 2023 0.44** 0.150
    April 2023 -0.01 0.172
N 9,307
Notes: All estimates are weighted and inference accounts for the complex survey design. Minimum residual degrees of freedom in any of the 10 imputations = 739
1 *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
2 SE = Standard Error
Table 24: Regression of wellbeing at Wave 1 on adverse life events during the pandemic
Characteristic Beta1 SE2
(Intercept) 4.0*** 0.181
Adverse Event Tercile Groups

    Medium -0.34*** 0.062
    High -0.76*** 0.071
Negative continuing impact of pandemic on mental wellbeing

    Yes -0.70*** 0.052

    Female -0.39*** 0.050
    Non-Binary+ -1.0*** 0.178

    Mixed -0.10 0.115
    Black 0.12 0.071
    Asian 0.15 0.078
    Other 0.18 0.171
Parental Education -0.03 0.044
Housing Tenure -0.02 0.056
IDACI Quintile Group

    1 (High Deprivation)
    2 0.04 0.076
    3 0.01 0.084
    4 0.17* 0.081
    5 (Low Deprivation) 0.15 0.086
Social Provisions Scale 0.63*** 0.021
Wave 1 Survey Month

    Sep 2021